Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thing # 4: Blogging begins with Reading

What is interesting about the whole "Blogging" topic is that I would have never even thought I would have one without having taken this online class. Now that I have one, I am actually excited that I stepped out of my comfort zone and joined all the other millions of people who do have blogs. Making comments about blogs is not different from giving your opinion on anything else. You would hope that everyone would follow simple rules of not writing offensive comments, but we all know that it just takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch. The most important thing that I would think we would need to remember is; that like with everything else, you will have people that agree with you and those who will disagree with what you posted. By the same token, you will either agree or disagree with the comments that are posted in response to your blog. In that respect, I would hope that people will "agree to agree or disagree " with a comment and not get our feathers ruffled. Being able to comment on a persons blog can give the actual writer another perspective to what they posted.

Life is all about making decisions and having consequences that are good or bad that go along with the decisions that we make. Being able to be given a choice sometimes helps us make the best decision. We just have to be willing to accept the consequences whatever they may be that goes along with the choice/decision that we made. As a teacher and aspiring administrator, I am all about giving my students choices. When I have to assign a detention or even in-school-suspension as a consequence from a poor decision that a student made, I try to give him a choice when he/she serves that detention or day of in-school-suspension. That way, even if they don't agree with the outcome of the situation, they were given the opportunity to choose when they would have to serve that consequence.

Life can get pretty hard to deal with at times for all of us. Why do we want to cause ourselves more grief or heartache than what is necessary. In the grand scheme of things, is it really going to matter that John Doe or Mary Doe agreed with what we wrote? Maybe yes and maybe no, but getting your feathers ruffled is a lot of wasted energy that you could spend just enjoying "life".

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